Each year, American businesses shell out millions of dollars on injury claims.
On the one hand, that's only fair. On-the-job injuries happen, and companies are responsible for compensating. No one should argue that.
What you could argue is the number of accidents that could be prevented. The Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) monitors the safety practices of businesses. When they find that a company is violating policy, OSHA issues a citation. Each year OSHA publishes a list of the Top Ten Safety Violations and, amazingly, the list doesn't seem to change much from year to year. You can even put the violations into three major injury classifications.
If you want to protect your employees from workplace dangers and protect your business from expensive OSHA citations, take a survey of these three employee safety categories.
1) Slips, Trips, and Falls
This category includes everything from an employee slipping on a slick floor and throwing out her back to construction workers falling off a high-rise job site and everything in between. The most common citations are for these four violations.
2) Machine Injuries
It's 2020, and we use machines for just about everything these days. They make our jobs easier or, in some cases, they make our jobs possible. But, machines come with moving parts, electricity, and inherent safety issues. These are the three most common violations that OSHA sees and issues citations for when it comes to machinery.
3) Personal Protection
Sometimes protecting employees from their work environment means providing them with safety equipment to wear, or even the proper knowledge of what they are working with. These three violations continually pop up on OSHA's list.
Don't Let Your Business Be On That List
Workplace safety is a constant concern (and it should be). The fact of the matter is those workplace accidents have an enormous effect on a business. It's not only about money, but employee morale and security. When an employer takes safety seriously, it shows both employees and the community that it values its people.
The OSHA Top Ten Violations list isn't a scare sheet. It's a helpful reminder that these are the regulations that are most frequently overlooked and can put employees in danger. Now is a good time to survey your workplace and make sure that you don't contribute to next year's top ten list.
Lockout Tagout
Lockout tagout is a safety procedure that ensures machines and equipment are properly shut off during maintenance or repair work.
Shop premium-grade lockout tagout locks, kits, devices, and supplies. Make OSHA compliance a priority and have a safe and secure workplace.