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Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets are a critical component of the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) and provide comprehensive informational properties about the substances or mixtures used in workplace chemical management. The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) requires that chemical manufacturers, distributors, or importers communicate the hazards and provide user-friendly, SDS sheets. Meet the harmonized criteria for physical, health, and environmental hazards under the GHS, with Safety Data Sheets. Keep your workplace safe and communicate protective measures and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting of chemicals with SDS Sheets.

Don't just tell your employees what information needs to be included on Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), show them with a large Safety Data Sheets. The SDS format includes 16 main headings and should provide a clear description of the data used to identify the hazards.

Read more about Safety Data Sheets.
