
Chemical Hazard Signs

Employers with hazardous chemicals in their workplace are required to clearly communicate their potential hazards to employees by means of signs. Employees must be made aware of the specific hazards of working with these substances and must be equipped with the proper training to handle them safely.

Everyday tens of thousands of workers use some form of a chemical in their workplace. Not all chemical hazards are toxic - the combination of any two chemicals could become deadly. In order to ensure chemical safety in the workplace, information about the identities and hazards of the chemicals must be available to workers. OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) is designed to ensure that information about chemical and toxic substance hazards in the workplace is dispersed to workers.

Chemical Hazard Signs informs those working around such substances about biohazards, storage of hazardous waste, various chemicals, and the precautions to take while in their environment. Post Chemical Hazard Signs to protect workers against the health effects of exposure to hazardous elements.

  • Post signs that clearly indicate all potentially hazardous chemicals present in the work area. These include corrosive liquids and gases, flammable materials, and poisonous substances.
  • Ensure that each sign includes information about how to use or handle the chemical safely (e.g., avoid contact with skin).
  • Provide workers with additional information when necessary (e.g., special ventilation equipment required).