State Signage Initiatives
When your state passes a law, you can rest assured that we will offer identification products that help your facility stay in compliance with the design and message mandated by the state. Some states require facilities to post signs near entryways, explaining any concealed weapons laws. Many states take a firm stance on smoking; one solution is to post state-specific no smoking signs. One of the most current issues is cracking-down on texting while driving. If it’s mandated, we’ve got it!
No Texting While Driving It's illegal in most states to text while driving, and some states have extended these laws to using cell phones at all while driving.
Truss Signs Truss signs are specific to states (or cities) and serve to identify buildings that have a light-frame, truss-type construction; repetitive wood or light steel framing comprises the primary elements of the structure.
Concealed Weapons Carrying licensed concealed weapons is legal in some states, others it is not. Some businesses have chosen to restrict employees and patrons from carrying a licensed concealed weapon inside the premises.
No Smoking Indiana is the latest of 40 states to pass a no-smoking ban in public places, places of employment, and places within eight (8) feet from the entrance of said places. There are some exemptions like bars, taverns, and gaming facilities.
State Specific ADA and Braille Signs Some states have specific legends, sizes, and text for Americans with Disabilities Act signs and supplemental signs.
No Idling In at least seven states, including Alabama, Washington, Hawai'i, and New Jersey; it's illegal to idle in diesel trucks over a certain size.
Lockout Tagout
Lockout tagout is a safety procedure that ensures machines and equipment are properly shut off during maintenance or repair work.
Shop premium-grade lockout tagout locks, kits, devices, and supplies. Make OSHA compliance a priority and have a safe and secure workplace.